
Berufliche Oberschule Ingolstadt
Staatliche Fachober- und Berufsoberschule

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85049 Ingolstadt

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London Calling: The Ultimate Shakespearience


“Oh brave new world, that has such people in’t.”

After months of research, extensive discussions about a gifted genius who has significantly impacted today’s literature, society and (pop-) culture and ten insightful lectures resulting from said preparation, the time had finally come: The Shakespeare-Seminar was ready to set off on the long-awaited excursion to London from 29.03.2023 to 02.04.2022. Accompanied by Mrs. Maria Heller and the seminar teachers Mrs. Yvonne Seitz and Mr. Martin Holzer, a stay full of culture, overwhelming impressions and many fun facts about William Shakespeare awaited the ten students.

“We are of such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.”

Walking through London was EXHAUSTING. Even though the city’s public transport system enables one to travel high distances by tube or by bus, some of our smartwatches still counted at least 20.000 steps a day (- needless to say, we dozed off quickly by the end of the day). This is because our days were packed, and the UK’s capital offered so much for us to see. Sadly, 24 hours a day just weren’t enough to take it all in, but we still got a pretty good idea about London.

“Be not afeard, the isle is full of noises.”

In addition to two Shakespeare tours (one in London and one in Stratford-Upon-Avon) giving insight about the writer’s times, upbringing, family and career, the trip offered further highlights. Whether it was a self-guided stroll through the city and all of its important sights (Buckingham Palace, Elizabeth Tower, London Eye, National Gallery, Westminster Abbey, and many more) or a quick trip to Europe’s biggest bookstore “Waterstones”, whether it was “The Phantom of the Opera”, a haunting visit of the London Dungeon, having traditional cream tea with scones or a night out in a karaoke bar – everyone got their money’s worth!

“The climate of th’ Isle.”

In true London fashion, it was raining most of the time, but the poor weather conditions weren’t going to stop us! Instead, we spent most of our time outside because there was still so much left to explore. Equipped with our raincoats and capes, we took a trip to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre to watch a modern interpretation of the writer’s final play “The Tempest”. Even though we (the students, because the teachers booked seats under the roof – the early birth catches the seat ;)) ended up soaking wet, the experience was definitely worth it and brought us closer together!

Nicole Neumayer, FS13a